Fanfan Chinese Language Academy



A private school of Chinese language for international students in Tokyo

How do you find better school for your kids to learn Chinese ?


Who are we?

We are a group of professional Chinese teachers from China. Currently there are 4 lead teachers covering different ages and levels as well as 7 teaching assistants. All our lead teachers received their teaching credentials from China and have been teaching in China as well as in Japan for more than 10 years. The lead teachers have also been teaching in many international schools in Tokyo and are well recognized in the Chinese and non-Chinese community alike.



What is our teaching materials and approach

Our Chinese materials cover age 2 to 18 and all levels. We use official materials from the Chinese government (i.e. Confucius Institute Headquaters, Overseas Chinese Affairs Office to the State Council, Ministry of Education in Taiwan, etc.) and couple that with our own materials designed and crafted by our experienced teachers. We also tweak the materials to fit the context of the children’s life in Japan. Whether the child is a native, a non-native, or an overseas Chinese, our teaching substances are able to cover all.

We believe any language teaching shall be fun, interactive and systematic. We therefore have a systematic monitoring system to monitor every child’s progress in our class.





Why learning Chinese?

Guess what the former Australian Prime minister, Kevin Rudd; the successful entrepreneur, Mark Zuckerberg, former U.S. President Obama’s daughter, Malia Obama, Rogers’ 2 daughter’s and President Trump’s grand daughter in common? They all take Chinese as their second language. But why? 

* China is the most populous nation in the world, with 1.28 billion people 

* One fifth of the planet speaks Chinese. Mandarin Chinese is the mother tongue of over 873 million people, making it the most widely spoken first language in the world.

* In addition to the People’s Republic of China and Taiwan, Mandarin Chinese is also spoken in the important and influential Chinese communities of Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, the Philippines, and Mongolia.

* China is the second largest economy in the world.

* China is one of largest trading partners of the United States with many US and EU companies do business in China and have long-term investments there.










Why is Chinese lesson attractive ?


  • Leading international schools in Tokyo such as BST, Nishimachi, ASIJ, YIS are all offering Chinese as a second language to their students
  • American students can take SAT and TOEFL in Chinese
  • Most public American high schools have AP class in Chinese
  • Chinese is an official IB subject


  • 東京の主なインターナショナル・スクールであるBST(ブリティッシュ・スクール・イン・トーキョー),Nishimachi(西町インターナショナルスクール), ASIJ(アメリカン・スクール・イン・ジャパン), YIS(ヨコハマ・インターナショナル・スクール)はこぞって生徒たちの第二外国語として中国語授業を採用しています。
  • アメリカ人生徒はSAT(大学進学適性試験)、TOEFL(Test of English as a Foreign Language)を中国語で受験することが可能です
  • アメリカのほとんどの高校で中国語の APクラス(Advanced Placement class)が用意されています 
  • 中国語はIB(国際バカロレア)の正式な科目です

Is there any special reason not to learn Chinese now ?

Please contact and join us !



School / Office

Fanfan Chinese Language Academy


Fanfan Chinese Language Academy

2F , Arisugawa HillTop ,
5-5-7 Minami-Azabu, Minatoku 106-0047,
Tokyo, Japan

att: Ms.Zhang Ling







御問合先:張岭 チャン・リン



  • Jun 13 2018
    New classroom opens! ラベル